Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lunch at Nationals

Send Jo your choices by Sunday, and make sure to note everything you want with the order. Bring money for lunch with you to the event.

All prices include tax and tip

Pizza – Each Serves 4
· Cheese $17
· Sausage $20
· Green Peppers $20
· Stuffed Spinach $25

o The stuffed spinach pizza is a Chicago tradition. It is recommended for the end of the competitive day.

Sandwiches – Each Serves 1 & comes with chips, a cookie and a beverage. Sandwich comes with lettuce, tomato, mayonaise, and cheese. (No substitutions but elimination possible) Drinks: Coke & Diet Coke
· Turkey $8
· Smoked Ham $8
· Roast Beef $8
· Vegetarian $8
· Tuna Salad $8

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